Originally from Camargue, Devil's Salt has reached until saulniers on the Ile de Ré and has been renamed Sel Fou. Since then, its notoriety has spread to the White Country where the salt workers have adopted it. It gives a boost to your grills and gives a beautiful coppery color and a powerful taste to your roast chickens.
Ingredient: Sel Gris du Pays Blanc : 90%
4 peppers, red berries, Cumin, Coriander, Smoked paprika, Thyme: 10%
Devil's Salt or Crazy Salt
Sel Gris du Pays Blanc (90%)
Récolté à la main, non chauffé, non lavé et sans aucuns additifs.4 poivres, baies rouges, Cumin, Coriandre, Paprika fumé, Thym : 10%
Lieu de production : 44350 Guérande